Nachwehen im Wochenbett

Eine liebe Freundin, die gerade im Wochenbett liegt, hat mich gebeten etwas über das Wochenbett zu schreiben. Um endlich mal aufzuräumen, mit dem ganzen touchy-feely Nonsens, den man so in Geburtsvorbereitungskursen lernt. Um mal die Wahrheit zu sagen, über all das, was einen erwartet, wenn man mühevoll nach stundenlanger Quälerei ein Baby aus sich herausgepresst oder es bei vollem Bewusstsein aus dem Bauch herausgeschnitten bekommen hat. Um aufzuklären und dafür zu sensibilisieren, dass das Wochenbett meist ganz anders verläuft, als man es sich vorgestellt hat.

When there is nothing more to say

We have all seen it on vacation or while strolling through the city centers of our home towns: couples sitting at a table in a café or restaurant not talking to each other or – even worse – both looking at their smartphones. I know that there might be plenty of reasons why two people do not want to talk to each other at a specific moment – but since I have observed the situation of couples-not-talking-to-each-other during last week’s vacation a lot and also multiple times for the same couple I doubt that the reasons I had in mind are valid. There rather must be a general reason or problem why two people in a relationship simply cannot come up with anything to say to each other anymore.

2021: The year of a million illnesses, new routines and Russian craziness

Another year is coming to an end and it has been a long time since I took the time to write a blog-post. But just as in the previous years I want to continue the nice tradition to reflect on the past year and highlight its good and its bad moments and draw some learnings from it.


Did you know that only 2.1 percent of all working parents both work full-time? For me this number sounded incredibly low – but looking closely at my own experience and what I have seen and heard from other working moms, it actually comes as no surprise that most women withdraw, often reluctantly, from their until then successful careers. It’s the year 2021 and we are still dealing with a severe parents-career-gap. How is this possible?

2020: The year of joy, disappointment, no sleep and wonderful new friendships

A crazy year has come to an end: my little one is turning one next Monday, Germany has finally started vaccinating people against covid, my next parental leave is about to begin in January and I finally feel like writing a blog post again. So I thought this is a good opportunity to write my own personal review of this year, month by month, to conclude with it and reminisce about all that has been good, bad, funny or utterly shocking and what I learnt through all of this.

Have we forgotten how to be grateful?

If I have learnt anything from being pregnant and giving birth it is that we should be way more grateful. Every day without severe pain or physical restrictions is a good day; every day when all your loved ones are happy and healthy needs to be cherished; every day you are able to enjoy good food and have enough of it is a gift – but we tend to forget that.

10 things I am looking forward to about not being pregnant anymore

This December is very special for me because nine months of pure pregnancy fun (wink wink) are coming to an end and I must say: I have severely underestimated the process of producing a human being in one’s own uterus. So, in order to celebrate and anticipate the soon ending of my pregnancy, I have composed a list of the top ten things I am looking forward to about not being pregnant anymore.

3 sustainable ideas for new clothes, fresh food and used books

East side gallery in Berlin This is my sixth week of bed rest prescribed by my gynecologist due to premature labour. And let me tell you: although it might seem pretty “chill” to be officially allowed to lie around all day in PJs watching Netflix, reading books and ordering stuff from the internet – if …

Spoil yourself: A once-in-a-lifetime-stay at the Juvet landscape hotel

Have you seen the movie “Ex Machina”? If you have, you might remember the gorgeous nature-setting where the secret KI-research facility was located that serves as the movie’s main site. I can still recall pretty specifically how fascinated I was by the lush greenery, the beautiful mountains, the waterfalls and the secludedness of it all …

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Helping you live the life you want on any budget.


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